Pompey Pillar or as it is also called the ship's mast is the best known landmark of Alexandria. The pillar dominates the whole area at Kom el-Dekka. Do not miss this place and visit the Greko-Roman sights of Alexandria during a sightseeing tour of the city.
The Pompey Pillar or the ship's mast, built in honor of Diocletian in 292 AD, is located in Alexandria in an area known as Kom el Dekka. On the basis of the column is the inscription "Postumas, the governor of Alexandria, erected this column in honor of the emperor Diocletian."
The Crusaders gave the name of this column "Pompey", because they mistakenly believed that Pompey's head was buried at its top. But Pompey himself was killed in 48 BC, and the column was erected later in 292 AD. Originally, this column was taken from the magnificent temple of Serapis. It is made of pink granite, has a Corinthian style capital, and its height with a base reached 26.85 m, the diameter at the base was 2.7 m, and at the top - 2.3 m.