Egypt Diving | Best Dive Sites in Egypt

Egypt complete Dive Guide, best places to dive, Red Sea marine life and Mediterranean sea underwater ecosystem. If you're planning to dive in Egypt, here is all need to know about diving in Egypt and what to expect to see in the Red Sea marines.

Dive Sites

Diving in Ras Mohammed National park.

Best Sites to Dive in Ras Mohamed National Park

One of the most beautiful diving sites all over the world which is considered to be the best site for diving and snorkelling with its famous Yolanda, Old Bay and Khashaba beaches are waiting for new divers to explore.

Red Sea turtle.

Shore Diving Sharm El Sheikh | Best Places for Shore Diving in Sharm El Sheikh

Sharm el Sheikh beaches are ideal for shore diving due to its easy access, closeness to many famous reefs and coral structures as well as low currents and ideal visibility. Explore Ras Nasrani, Tower and Pinky's wall while holidaying in Egypt.

Acropora pharaonis coral.

Scuba Diving for Beginners in Sharm El Sheikh | Best places to dive for beginners in Sharm el Sheikh

If you are a beginner diver then Sharm el Sheikh is the best place to start your experience since it offers the best dive sites for those who are just in the beginning of discovering the beauty of the underwater world of the Red Sea.

Yellow-spotted Burrfish

Dive Site Jackson Reef at Tiran Island | Diving at Jackson Reef Sharm El Sheikh

This is the most northerly of four mid-sea patch reefs named after British 19th century cartographers who first mapped the area. To the East of Jackson lies Tiran Island and Foul Bay, to the west the Sinai Peninsula.

Diving the Red Sea.

Ras Um El Sid dive site Sharm el Sheikh | Diving at Ras Um El Sid

Ras Umm Sid is located south of Na'ama Bay next to Temple dive site. EI Fanar lighthouse adorns the peak and allows access to the reef from shore - though this involves crossing the reef plate on foot. Know more about this unique diving sight.

Diving among coral reefs.

Sharm El Sheikh Night Diving Best Places | Top Places to Dive at night in Sharm El Sheikh

The Red Sea becomes another world after sunset when it's completely dark underwater and only a torch light your way. Do not miss out for these wonderful places Sharm el Sheikh has to offer to dive at night.

Marine Life

Crocodile fish

Red Sea Potentially dangerous creatures

Underwater world of the Red Sea is beautiful and diverse but many of its beautiful creatures are really dangerous, so watch out for potentially dangerous fishes with the help of our guide.


Sharks of the Red Sea

Let's get some useful information on Sharks population on Sinai and learn 10 sharks facts everyone has to know before getting close to these creatures.

Clown fish in Anemons.

Anemone of the Red Sea

Anemone is not a flower but an animal that puts down a root, but also has the capability to up root and move on. This unique kind of animal is still found in vicinity of Sharm el Sheikh but already under risk.

Garden eel.

Red Sea Fish Check list

Here is the list of the major families of fishes found in the Red Sea with a short description. These fishes a diver is likely to encounter during his Red Sea underwater exploration.

Colonial tube sponge.

Red sea Marine life

Marine life in Egyptian part of the Red sea is rich with colourful fishes, unique marine animals as well as coral reefs. Its unique ecosystem attracts different varieties of marine inhabitants and very vulnerable to outside intrusions.