Egypt is a well established spiritual destination. Pilgrims from all over the world come here in search for blessing, spiritual transformation and visiting holy places. For Christian Pilgrims Egypt is one of the most attractive destination, second to Jerusalem as here the Holy Family was hiding itself during their flight to Egypt. Christian pilgrims to Egypt will enjoy many Biblical places, old testament spots as well as first monasteries and Holy churches together with the opportunity of seeing and touching the relics of many saints, including Saint Catherine and Saint Mark. Only in Egypt you can taste a living Coptic christian culture.
Egypt is the place where monasticism was born, the country is rich in monasteries and is known for its monastic art. At the moment there are 33 monasteries in the country. You can take a one-day excursion to the famous monasteries of Egypt from Cairo, Hurghada and Sharm el Sheikh: visit Saint Catherine and Wadi el Feiran monastery, Wady el-Natron near Cairo or White and Red monasteries in Sohag. Orthodox monasteries in Egypt are scattered throughout the country, from Aswan in the south to Wadi al-Natron in the north. Traveling back in time to the roots of one of the oldest Christian traditions in the world will allow you to touch the true faith.
price £640
price £720
Pilgrimage tours to Egypt are designed for both advanced pilgrims and beginners who go on a pilgrimage to Egypt for the first time. A pilgrimage to Sinai, with a visit to the Monastery of St. Catherine and an ascent to Mount Sinai, can be the beginning to get acquainted with the main Orthodox Shrines of Egypt.
price £28
price £640
price £800
A full-fledged pilgrimage tour of Egypt "In the footsteps of the Holy Family" is now available for all christian pilgrims approved by Papa Francisc. Shorter routes to visit the Orthodox Shrines of Egypt in Cairo, Alexandria, the Eastern Desert are available for those who are on a short break in Egypt.
price £144
price £400
price £640
A good opportunity to start your Pilgrimage journey through Egypt is to go on a one-day pilgrimage tour to one of the most ancient monasteries in the world - the Red and White monasteries - from Hurghada.
price £80
price £120